From the award-winning author of
After cancer and Happiness in a storm
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BOOK REVIEWS: Oncology Times; ASCO Post
how do you find hope...
...while dealing with the challenges of cancer treatments or their aftereffects? Healing Hope offers original aphorisms to help you find and nourish hope that helps you get good care and live as fully as possible every day. Aphorisms—short, powerful statements of truth—helped Wendy S. Harpham, MD find the courage, fortitude, patience, confidence and hope needed to do all the things that increased her chance of surviving. Now a long-time cancer survivor who has far outlived her prognosis, Wendy shares her hard-won insights about illness and healing in this ground-breaking book on hope. The succinct explanations and meaningful illustrations accompanying her powerful aphorisms make this book incredibly accessible.
"With humor, pathos and artful graphics, this book offers a healing balm to those newly diagnosed or years along in the journey." —Richard Dickens, LCSW, Director of Client Advocacy, CancerCare; 27-year survivor
Oncology TimeS book review ASCO PosT book review
"The insights she shares will resonate with individuals struggling to find hope in the midst of cancer’s adversities. Healing Hope is a ‘must read’ for anyone touched by cancer.” -—Melissa M. Hudson, MD, Director, Cancer Survivorship St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
“So simple! So compelling! Healing Hope is like a guiding hand reaching out and saying, ‘I will help you get through this.’”
—Susie Leigh, RN-OCN; 45-year survivor; Founder and past President, NCCS (National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship)
“A survivor of cancer devoted to education, comforting and inspiring patients shares insights from her book about finding hope that heals.”