What if your loved ones are too scared to go to the doctor? Scared of anything from needles to upsetting news. What can you do?
Fear is an unpleasant feeling that arises when you believe something is dangerous. It’s hardwired, helping us defend against threats of pain or loss. Fear that prompts you to move away from the edge of a dangerous cliff is a good thing. Fear of sidewalk cracks that keeps you from going outside is maladaptive.
Is fear of doctor visits understandable? Yes. You might face uncomfortable interventions or unwanted news. If nothing else, you’ll have to endure the discomfort of heightened uncertainty while undergoing evaluation. Is fear of doctor visits adaptive? No! It keeps your loved ones from getting the care they need and deserve.
What can you do? One approach is to…
Validate challenges
I hear your fear. It makes sense you feel afraid.
State facts
Fear is good only if it protects you. Fear of doctor visits hurts you if it keeps you from needed medical care.
You are not choosing to be afraid., but you can choose how you respond. Having courage doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid, it means you do the right thing even though you are afraid.
Encourage proper action
You don’t want fear to own you. Let’s brainstorm ways to calm the fear, such as bringing a companion and doing calming exercises..
Let’s notify the doctor’s office and ask for advice or assistance.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Roosevelt 1933
Illustration by Emma Mathes
from Healing Hope
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