Best Hope for the Peak of the Pandemic

What are you hoping for as we anticipate the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic washing over Americans like a tsunami? People are talking about what makes them sad…angry…annoyed…and afraid. What I’m not hearing much of is a discussion of what they’re hoping for. That concerns me because in times of uncertainty hope is key to getting through. Not all hope, but healing hope—namely “hope that helps us get good care and live as fully as possible.” Here’s what I’m hoping for as I hunker down at home:

To help me take proper action, I’m focusing on my hope to continue…

  • Following the evolving CDC guidelines.

  • Taking health-promoting measures and lovingly encouraging others to do the same.

  • Crafting handouts on coping with Covid that my colleagues can share with patients.

To help me live as fully as possible, I’m focusing on my hope…

  • That the explosion of Covid-19 research leads to answers.

  • That politicians look to scientists for guidance and foster partnerships among politicians, scientists and industry with a singular mission: protecting healthcare workers and patients.

  • To accept my fear and anxiety, and then to manage them.

  • To focus on silver linings during this dark time.

  • To deepen my spiritual life.

Thank you, National Breast Cancer Foundation, for sharing this resource to help people deal with any health challenge, including Covid-19. The link takes you to a free download of an e-primer on how to find hope that helps you live your best life in tough times.

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