Helping Someone Who Delays or Refuses Needed Medical Attention

A wrenching and exasperating situation is watching a loved one choose to delay or refuse needed medical attention. The loved one knows (s)he needs medical attention. The loved one believes in the value of medical attention. Yet the loved one doesn’t act. What is going on? What can—and can’t—you do?

Of all aspects of medical care, relatively little attention is paid to helping patients narrow the gap between knowing what to do and doing it. The risks of delaying needed medical attention include…

  • delayed diagnoses associated with poorer prognoses

  • increased tensions with loved ones

  • regrets about lost opportunities for easier treatments or better ultimate outcomes

Imagine a magic wand that made everyone always do what they know to be the right thing. One swish would make a huge difference in the incidence and outcomes of preventable and treatable conditions.

Without that magic wand, I’m going to devote the next posts to exploring this problem. Please share your stories using either use the comment box below or the contact page on my website. Let’s find ways to help people become Healthy Survivors by helping them act on their knowledge and hope.

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